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DavidReife | Дата: Четверг, 24.05.2018, 08:31 | Сообщение # 361 |
Группа: Пришедший
Сообщений: 1959
Статус: Offline
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AnthonyChach | Дата: Четверг, 24.05.2018, 09:02 | Сообщение # 362 |
Группа: Пришедший
Сообщений: 1795
Статус: Offline
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watchesprice | Дата: Вторник, 16.06.2020, 11:18 | Сообщение # 367 |
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| replica Franck Muller Vanguard watches
Buy Franck Muller Vanguard Racing Skeleton Watch imitation V 45 SG DT SQT For Sale
Item Type: Replica Vanguard Racing Skeleton Watches
Model Number: V forty five SG DT SQT
Case Material: Aluminum, Co2, Tonneau
Brand Name: Franck Muller
Movement: Personal winding
Dial Size: 53. 7 x forty-four mm
Thickness: --
Gender: Men
Dial: Black
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Features: Hours / Minutes or Seconds / Date
Year: 2020
Crazy Hours fifteenth Anniversary Asian Special Edition view is equipped with FRANCK MULLER's popular Cintrée Curvex case, that is unique and unique. The actual world-famous Crazy Hours complicated device is the essence of the watch, and it has been favored by watch enthusiasts for many years.
The dial displays time in a traditional way, conveying time as a characteristic of the abstract concept-the value of period varies from person to person. The electronic time scales of this enjoy are not displayed in order, therefore every 60 minutes, the hours hand will quickly move to another side of the dial as well as jump to the next correct quantity. At the same time, the minute hand will certainly rotate along the traditional 60-minute outer ring of the switch. Hublot Mp 05 LAFERRARI 905.VX.0001.RX
Crazy Hours' fifteenth Anniversary Asian Special Edition see highlights the brand's beautiful technology, which is more youthful and also fun. The 7880 along with 8880 models have a glowing blue or gray dial having a sunburst pattern and a wealthy color palette: the five-minute range on the inner flange is actually green, red, blue or perhaps black, and is in contact with the actual leather strap. Against the background. The Crazy Hours fifteenth Anniversary Asian Special Edition observe has a total of 40 combinations. The materials utilized include stainless steel, stainless steel gemstones, rose gold and rose gold expensive diamonds. Available in three sizes (39. 60mm x 55. forty mm, 36. 00mm x fifty. 40 mm and thirty-two. 10mm x 45. 10mm), both men's and can certainly styles are available.
Mr. Zhu Junhao, Professional Director of FRANCK MULLER Asia Pacific, said: Insane Hours series combines daring technical creativity and genuine playfulness, making it unique in neuro-scientific modern watchmaking. This is unquestionably the crystallization of artwork, science and engineering, in addition to fully demonstrates the brand features of FRANCK MULLER. We have been honored to witness this particular 15-year-old milestone with the Ridiculous Hours 15th Anniversary Oriental Special Edition Watch. We are self-confident that this masterpiece will still attract watch enthusiasts all over the world.... Richard Mille RM 11-04 Automatic Flyback Roberto Mancini
The Vanguard The law of gravity series symbolizes the development and innovation of the making of watch technology, and FRANCK MULLER innovates again. This view with a new skeleton design mixes cutting-edge technology and delicate workmanship. The innovative structure from the movement includes an unequal bridge, giving the watch a distinctive appearance. The intricate framework and clean lines on this skeletonized Gravity watch collide with, and the colorful tourbillon framework and skeletonized hands produce an eye-catching effect.
The texture and appearance of the case replicate the pioneering style of the particular Gravity series, showing typically the strong personality of this enjoy. Watchland's master watchmakers utilize superb craftsmanship and make use of extraordinary materials to create this specific Gravity Skeleton watch which combines clever design as well as innovative technology. It is a veritable masterpiece.
The brand new Gravity Skeleton watch comes in a variety of colors and has an exclusive appearance. It is also the result of best Swiss watchmaking technology. Light weight aluminum parts are anodized, you can find dating different colors according to your preference, for example orange, yellow, blue, magenta, etc . replica Patek Philippe Watches
Movement: CS-03. SQT
Movement type: guide winding mechanical movement
Movement size: 38. four x 39. 6mm width: 8. 70mm
Screen: hours, minutes
Functionality: Time setting
Reserve of power: 5 days
Golf swing frequency: 18, 800 occasions per hour
Number of components: 237
Number of gemstones: 24
Water resistance: three ATM
Movement design: anodized aluminum, black PVD coating, 18K gold or maybe rhodium plating
Switch: Hollow dial
Situation: carbon fiber, PVD-coated titanium, stainless-steel, 18K gold
Circumstance size: 44mm x 53. 70mm x 15. 10mm
Strap: rubber (bottom) and nylon (top) and also colored stitches
Outrageous Sometimes, who is the gentleman's day and night with? Vanguard Crazy Hours Asian Unique Watch
Sunlight rose and the gentleman wandered calmly to welcome a brand new day. With the Vanguard Mad Hours Asian Special Edition see, the white dial along with rose gold case complement one another, showing the elegant beauty. The nonsequential display associated with digital time scales fractures through the tradition and provides a new and interesting method of reading time. The hour or so hand will jump to another correct digital time level every 60 minutes, interpreting often the philosophy that time value differs from person to person. Looking forward to the coming of each 59 minutes and looking toward the next unknown encounter.
Vanguard Yachting Point Skeleton watch
Afternoon leisure time, accompanied by Vanguard Yachting Anchor Skeleton observe, add a touch of captivating details to the cozy lighting and shadow. The openwork dial made of turquoise shades presents a three-dimensional and refined visual art. The link supporting the mainspring clip or barrel and the small seconds call at 6 o'clock will be shaped like an anchor, that appropriately interprets the sea theme. The power reserve is about 7 days, showing dynamic energy. The gentleman's broad thoughts is like a deep ocean, and there is a charm circulation between the movement and the stationary.
Vanguard seven days Power Reserve Skeleton series view
As evening fell, the gentle lady raised his glass, and also the mysterious light in his hand accidentally attracted his interest. The hollow high quality replica timepieces bridge in the Vanguard 7 Days Power Reserve Skeletal system watch is full of architectural in addition to geometric beauty, with heavy black tones and metal hidden hidden edges. Hand-polished and polished to create a nice style, the 7-day reserve of power and accurate and dependable performance of travel moment, show the essence of Famulan's meticulous watchmaking. With razor-sharp edges and corners, this stands out from the crowd within the prosperous city night picture.
Franck Muller combines unique as well as bold creativity with sophisticated technical craftsmanship to present an exceptional wrist design and create a fantastic lifestyle for gentlemen. Roaming at different times, shuttle service on multiple occasions.
Franck Muller roll-outs the first watch in the brand new Yachting series
It is reported that Switzerland luxury watchmaking brand Franck Muller recently released the very first watch of the new Manteau series. This watch is usually divided into three types of ti, red gold and stainless. It is equipped with an automatic turning movement, and is equipped with cabeza fabric and rubber band.
The design design of the new watch features a clear nautical theme, like dark blue case colour matching and slender and refined line contours. Last week, the brand new Yachting series debuted inside the Marina di Carrara slot of Italy, which is also a part of the close cooperation among Franck Muller and the Italian language Ocean Group. Greubel Forsey Double Tourbillon 30 Invention Piece 1
Innovative: Franck Muller Vanguard 1 week Power Reserve Skeleton seven-day energy storage skeleton watch
Franck Muller released the new Vanguard 7 Days Reserve of power Skeleton, a masterpiece on the brand's self-made mechanical enjoy. The delicate and intricate structure is breathtaking. The particular hand-polished watch bridge exhibits the watchmaker's own motion and the small seconds in 6 o'clock.
Vanguard 7 Days Power Reserve Bones PVD-coated titanium case, size 44×53. 7 mm, hollowed out dial, hours, minutes, little seconds, FM 1740 hand-wound movement, power reserve 7 days, Crocodile strap with folding hold.
The skeletonized watch bridge is full of architecture and geometric elegance, allowing watch enthusiasts to understand the entire mechanical structure with the watch. The unique design of this timepiece highlights the sporty type of the Vanguard series, as the iconic skeletonized hands completely match the dial, which makes it seamless.
Vanguard 7 Days Power Reserve Skeleton 18 CARAT gold case, 44×53. seven mm, hollow dial, hr, minute, small seconds, FM 1740 hand-wound movement, reserve of power 7 days, crocodile leather Typically the strap has a folding form.
Vanguard a week Power Reserve Skeleton is completely created and produced by the watch manufacturer, showing the ultimate craftsmanship and also top technology of Franck Muller. The new model includes a 7-day power reserve, excellent overall performance, accuracy and reliability, mixing innovative and refined information and the essence of horological industry tradition.
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watchesprice | Дата: Четверг, 28.01.2021, 10:21 | Сообщение # 368 |
Группа: Пришедший
Статус: Offline
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Patek Philippe's Grand Complications (complications) could be the pinnacle of the watchmaking industry-now, the brand has three new services that will attract fans of the trademark.
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For the price, the tourbillon is incredibly conspicuous on the front on the watch, which undoubtedly still left a deep impression upon people. This situation is usually eliminated because of the risk of sun injury.
This manually-wound 43mm watch is a absolutely eye-catching design with an amazing composition. When wearing the watch, the actual purchaser can enjoy the blend of the chime on a few classic gongs.
It is refined with rose gold colored and sapphire crystal again cover, with hand-engraved scialle, and the white gold slide handle on the case repeats the particular pattern, thus activating once repeater.
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Rhifs | Дата: Среда, 09.02.2022, 23:04 | Сообщение # 370 |
Группа: Пришедший
Сообщений: 6
Статус: Offline
| На сегодняшний день конечно тяжело переоценить то достоинство, которое выделено в экономике Российской Федерации такому государству как Китай. И это совсем неудивительно, учитывая, во-первых, границу с Китаем, второе, преференциальные экономические отношения, так как ни для кого не тайна, что заказ товаров из Китая является предельно необходимой и общеизвестной услугой. Так, на сегодняшний день российско-китайский товарооборот составляет около сто-сто десять миллиардов долл. Вот почему главная цель для стран таможенного союза состоит в том, чтобы наполнить и реальным значением и соответственно, применимыми делами одобренного руководством стран курса, ориентированного на равноправное, а, основное, искреннее партнерство.
Выкуп товара из Китая — «ВЭД ЛАЙН»
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watchesprice | Дата: Четверг, 10.03.2022, 12:50 | Сообщение # 371 |
Группа: Пришедший
Статус: Offline
| Breitling Endurance Pro
High performance, but make it stylish.
When Georges Kern took over Breitling in 2018, he boldly announced that the brand would streamline its collections and remove watches with no clear storyline or target audience. This led to the demise of the Colt Skyracer, which was one of Breitling's gateway quartz models.
But fast-forward two years later, and the brand has shifted its focus back to its quartz models, launching a new line of sports watches in its professional collection. We use the term "quartz" loosely, but as all fans know, Breitling doesn't really make quartz. It executes SuperQuartz (insert action movie sequence). Yes, its SuperQuartz models are COSC certified, just like other watches in the Breitling collection.
Of course, the SuperQuartz has been a supercharged version of Breitling's humble quartz movement since 2001. With a tenfold increase in accuracy compared to the already ultra-precise regular quartz movement, the maximum rate change of the SuperQuartz movement is only 15 seconds per year. This is compared to the average change time of a regular quartz movement, which is 150 seconds or two minutes and a half.
This year, the Breitling Calibre 82 SuperQuartz movement is installed in a new range of sports watches, tailored not only for serious athletes, but also for those who like to sweat without compromising style. Inspired by the Breitling Sprint of the 1970s, the new Endurance Pro also features a pulse meter so you can check your heart rate while you're exercising, and it's also incredibly lightweight thanks to its Breitlight case.
Breitlight is more than 3 times lighter than titanium and 5.8 times lighter than stainless steel, almost what you want in a sports watch. The material is not only diamagnetic, but also resistant to temperature fluctuations, scratches and corrosion. And, if you're using it, the case is also hypoallergenic, so it'll be more comfortable on sweaty skin.
Colorful watches seem to be all the rage this year, and the Endurance Pro certainly has it all in bright colors. Available in five colours – orange, yellow, red, white and blue – with a black dial and bidirectional rotating bezel. The flange matches the strap color and features a pulsometer scale, while the hour and minute hands feature a Super-LumiNova coating so you can still easily tell the time when riding at night.
While the watch comes with a Diver Pro rubber strap, users can also purchase the equally colorful Outerknown NATO strap for a slight twist. Co-founded by Breitling surf team member Kelly Slater, the Outerknown Craft strap uses ECONYL yarn and is made from recycled nylon waste such as fishing nets.
When it comes to performance, the Breitling Endurance Pro really can't be faulted. It perfectly caters to mobile devices with its precision, reliability, lightness and robustness. But for some reason, we can't help but feel that the series is missing a green variant that would really complete the family. Despite the appeal of the color in recent years, green seems to be a very natural shade for the outdoors. Considering the Breitling Sprint is green, hopefully we'll see shades in the next evolution of the Endurance Pro.
44mm Breitlight case dial
Silver, black, navy, green, yellow, red move
Breitling Calibre 82 Thermal Compensation SuperQuartz
White, blue, yellow, red, orange Diver Pro rubber strap with Breitlight double-pin buckle. Outerknown shoulder straps can be purchased separately. function
Hours, minutes, seconds, date, chronograph, pulse meter Battery Life
about three to four years
water resistance
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Rhifs | Дата: Среда, 16.03.2022, 07:02 | Сообщение # 372 |
Группа: Пришедший
Сообщений: 6
Статус: Offline
| Внешнеэкономические таможенные и логистические компании работают как на отгрузке грузов из иностранных стран, в частности и на услугах по таможенному декларированию. «ВЭД ЛАЙН» существенный опыт и знания крепнули на протяженности многих лет, что сделало нас профессионалом в таможенном оформлении. Мы динамичная и улучшающееся логистическая компания, уделяющая индивидуальное внимание тому, с тем чтобы наши заказчики принимали услуги и рекомендации наивысшего качества. Наша команда специалистов по таможенному декларированию деятельна и направлена на успех итогов для наших заказчиков. Клиенты таможенного импортера «ВЭД ЛАЙН» могут быть убеждены, что, вверя нам свой груз, им занимаются специалисты, ориентированные на обретение самых лучших результатов. С нашей таможенной очисткой, экспедированием товаров, международной транспортировкой «под ключ» мы ручаемся, ваш груз будет доставлен безопасно и своевременно.
Выкуп товара из Китая — «ВЭД ЛАЙН»
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watchesprice | Дата: Четверг, 03.11.2022, 08:40 | Сообщение # 373 |
Группа: Пришедший
Статус: Offline
| Jacob and Co Astronomia Solar power Watch Looking for a special timepiece that combines excellent Swiss craftsmanship with horological brilliance, choose the Jacob and Co. Astronomia Solar Watch. A visual effect of the wrist watch keeping every element in regular motion, all beating from your oscillator in the center of the three-axis tourbillon, showing the divino world and an orbital display of hours and also minutes. The brand is known for many of the more striking along with bold timepieces on the market and also some of the most expensive.
Taking a closer look at this amazing timepiece, the case design is pretty ordinary, in 44. 5mm 18k rose gold, filled with sky-blue, allowing you to admire the splendour of the movement inside. From 21mm thick, it seems chunky, but with a 3d movement and a domed blue crystal, there's no other alternative. This makes the watch very obvious on your wrist and for other folks to notice. There is no visible the queen's on the watch, and environment the time and winding often the movement is done using a couple of folded 18k rose gold " bows" on the back of the truth. What really stands out relating to this timepiece, however , is not your back, but the refined and elegant call.
The revealed movement is open about the dial for everyone to see. Often the movement itself is made of a few separate arms, one bringing about the sub-dial showing enough time, the second to the flying tourbillon and the third to the world. Each blue hour in addition to minute hand is designed to be large and the time is very very clear, contrasting with the skeletonized sub-dial in 18k rose gold.
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JamesSkest | Дата: Воскресенье, 13.08.2023, 19:00 | Сообщение # 374 |
Группа: Пришедший
Сообщений: 2
Статус: Offline
| зеркало мега Многие пользователи жалуются на большое количество мошенников, делающих копии нового маркетплейса Кракен. Source: -
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